The Geyen Group South offers Commercial Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, & Fabric Panel Cleaning to the Tampa Bay Area. Call for service (813) 882-9655
1708 W. Cypress St.
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Office Cleaning

Home/Office Cleaning

Carpets are excellent for embellishing the company brand, they also require regular cleaning, vacuuming and maintenance to ensure that they last really long.


    My backstory is that I own a commercial cleaning business in Tampa, Florida. What that means is that my employees clean carpets, upholstery, and fabric panels in buildings like banks, corporate headquarters, libraries, police offices, county offices, attorney firms, and call centers. We love dirty carpet and now during the flee from professional office to [...]

    By |2021-03-31T16:29:39-04:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Carpet Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Safety, Workplace|0 Comments

      Office Cleaning Issues – From Misconceptions and Myths to Advantages

      In our previous post, we were discussing some issues and concerns regarding professional office cleaning, especially when it comes to costs. Today we'll stay on the topic of office cleaning issues and we'll dig deeper into several misconceptions and myths surrounding this subject. As we've seen before, the final cost includes many variables, such as [...]

      By |2019-12-30T05:36:47-05:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Office Cleaning Issues – From Misconceptions and Myths to Advantages

        Sustainability, Healthy Workspaces, Value: Understanding the Costs Associated With the Services We Seek

        Thus far in this series we have discussed our increased focus on the effects our actions and choices have on the environment including our places of work, the importance of selecting service providers that understand and practice what is necessary to maintain a sustainable level of indoor air quality: general cleaning of the facility, [...]

        By |2019-12-04T10:18:14-05:00December 4th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning, Workplace|Comments Off on Sustainability, Healthy Workspaces, Value: Understanding the Costs Associated With the Services We Seek

          Halloween in the office – how to celebrate it?

          With October slowly coming to an end, there is one thing most of us look forward to, a fun little holiday called Halloween. Yes, when you think of Halloween, you don't immediately think of an office party, rather you think of fun family activities such as trick or treat that all kids look forward to. [...]

          By |2019-10-29T07:12:54-04:00October 29th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Halloween in the office – how to celebrate it?

            Sustainability, healthy workspaces, value: how do you select your service providers?

            Last month we discussed the increased awareness to the effects our actions and choices have on the environment including our places of work, where we spend on average 44 hours per week (Bureau of Labor Statistics. May 3rd, 2017). We also touched on the importance of selecting service providers in three key areas of expertise [...]

            By |2019-10-25T15:24:24-04:00October 25th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Sustainability, healthy workspaces, value: how do you select your service providers?

              Sustainability, healthy workspaces, value: How do you select your service providers?

              We live in a time of increased awareness to the effects our actions and choices have on the environment. From how we view ‘fast fashion’ to the choices we make in the types of vehicles we drive we think in terms of ‘carbon footprint’, air quality and so much more. All have come to be [...]

              By |2019-10-02T10:01:13-04:00October 2nd, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Sustainability, healthy workspaces, value: How do you select your service providers?

                Summer office cleaning – office chair edition

                In our previous posts, we were talking in-depth about the advantages of getting your office cleaned during summer months. We've seen that cleaning your office during summer has a lot of perks, such as having a less crowded area. During summer, with many of the staff away for the holidays, it gets much easier for the [...]

                By |2019-10-01T04:44:08-04:00October 1st, 2019|Categories: Chairs, Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Summer office cleaning – office chair edition

                  Summer in the Office Pt. 3 – Coping Tips

                  In our two previous posts, we were talking about summertime in the office, but from a cleaning perspective. In our Part One, we were trying to see if there is perfect timing for a scheduled and detailed summer cleaning. As we've seen, summer cleaning is a must, and the same goes for each and every [...]

                  By |2019-07-05T06:41:30-04:00July 5th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Summer in the Office Pt. 3 – Coping Tips

                    Summertime in the office Pt. 2 – Cleaning tips

                    In our previous post, we've dealt with the topic of summer cleaning in the office. We talked about finding the perfect timing for a detailed professional cleaning during summer months and we saw just how important office cleaning is even during summer. And not just during summer, professional and detailed cleaning is needed (necessary) at [...]

                    By |2019-06-11T09:25:06-04:00June 11th, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Summertime in the office Pt. 2 – Cleaning tips

                      Summertime in the office – is it cleaning time?

                      Time sure does fly, don't you agree? It seems as if we were just here talking and discussing winter and spring cleaning, and now, summer is just around the corner. May is quickly going by and June is already fast approaching. So, since summer is already knocking at our doors, we cannot help but wonder; [...]

                      By |2019-06-03T09:10:06-04:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Office Cleaning|Comments Off on Summertime in the office – is it cleaning time?
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