So, holidays have come and gone as they do each year and here we are in 2018. Why does it always feel as if they go by so fast? One moment we’re all at the office, having drinks and office parties to celebrate another successful year and the next moment it’s time to do it all over again. And that’s where post-holiday blues may kick in. Are we ready for it? And is our office ready for it? Let’s see what can happen and what can we do about it. Surely there must be something.
Does this post-holiday blues affect only the employees? As strange as it may sound, it can affect the office, too, just in a different way. Let’s see first what we as employees may expect when returning to work after a holiday break and how we can cope with it.
It’s never easy coming back to work after Christmas and New Year, that’s for sure. What is there to greet us on our first day? And what the coping mechanisms are?
Let’s see what some of the ways are to make that first week back more tolerable and easier on you.
First of all, you could possibly extend that “out of the office” message for just a day or two longer, which will give you time to emerge yourself into all your regular office duties first.
On that very first day back, don’t go so hard on yourself. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get any work done, it just means you should give yourself a little break. Give yourself time to ease into your obligations and duties by taking one thing at a time.
If there is a possibility, you should maybe go back to work on Thursday or Friday, with the weekend approaching faster than starting on Monday morning. It will ease the process of going back.
Make sure you take little breaks for short walks, stretches at your desk and similar relaxing exercises. It will really help during those first office hours.
Ease your way into office life by sharing stories and photos from the holidays with your co-workers. It’s nice to have those bonding office moments, not just after holidays but during the entire year. A positive office atmosphere will do wonders for everyone and will make you more eager to work and be productive.
Another thing that may be of great help is to redecorate your working area. By doing so, you will have a fresh start and begin the year feeling energized and ready to work. Just remove anything from the desk and the walls/cubicles and start all over! Maybe change the position of your desk too, if possible. Change the office supplies you have there with new ones. Perhaps purchase a new plant and place it so you can see it, it will have a truly positive effect on you. Replace the existing photos with some new ones – photos are a great way to feel more like at home and to make a more positive vibe. Go ahead and change your desktop picture and screensaver, too.
While we’re at the redecorating part, why not have a jar where you will put change whenever you have some? Empty your extra change into it on a daily basis and plan to use it on your next trip. Not just that, start planning your next trip right now. Having those ideas and thinking about it will make you more eager to work and will make time fly faster.
It’s not just a trip you can plan, you could also plan to introduce some new activities in your life. Maybe there is something you wanted to try but haven’t yet. Maybe some sports, dancing, or any other activity? The possibilities are endless, it’s up to you to choose what you would like.
And finally, your health. We all love to eat during the holidays and maybe we end up gaining a few pounds here and there. The beginning of a new year may be the perfect time to introduce a healthier regime. Your return to work will actually feel a lot easier if you eat right, drink a lot of water, take some time for walks, get fresh air as often as you can and a good night’s rest. You will feel a lot fresher and more energized on your way to work, we can guarantee you that!
So, these are some of the things we can do to make that return to working after holidays a lot easier. But, what about the office? We’ve said earlier the office can have post-holiday office blues, too. What, in fact, is that? By post-holiday blues, in this case, we mean the state of the office after an entire working year. Just imagine, all that foot frequency, food and drink spills, people coming and going, all the dirt and germs, it must take a toll on the office. Not to mention those holiday office parties; the office may look and feel a bit run-down.
What can we do to help it? In case of the office post-holiday blues, the solution is much more simple and easier. In three words – professional office cleaning. Yes, the best thing you can do for your office after the holidays is to have it professionally cleaned by the cleaning company of your choice. That will be the best cure for your working area. A detailed cleaning of all office elements – carpets, chairs, cubicles, everything. Schedule a post-holiday office cleaning and you will have the perfect start to a new year. The office will appreciate that, and the employees will, too. Professional and experienced cleaning technicians will know what to do and how to do it, by using the right equipment and technique.
It’s actually as easy as it sounds – a professional office cleaning is what your office needs and what will cure any post-holiday blues. So, post-holiday office blues – are we ready? With our coping techniques for both employees and the office, we surely are! New year, here we come!