If we had to guess, we’d say most of us have had this thought cross our minds at one point at least – do we really need professionals to keep our working area clean? So, let’s see today, professional office cleaning – is it worth it?
Why do we even have these thoughts? The number one reason is probably of a financial kind. Keeping your office clean with the use of a professional cleaning service can take a toll on your budget. Here we just need to go into more details. Yes, it may be a toll at first, but in the long run, it would prove to be an extremely wise financial decision. Why is that so, you may ask? Well, hiring professionals to clean your office will eventually save you a lot of money. By having the office properly maintained your office furniture and carpets will last a lot longer. You won’t have to refurbish the entire office after only a couple of years, so that is a massive save there.
And it’s not just about saving money; it is also about saving time and nerves. You will save time because you will have a detailed cleaning schedule which won’t interfere with daily activities in the office and won’t interrupt your employees. You will save nerves because you won’t have to think about the who, what and when it comes to cleaning; everything will be programmed in advance. The only thing left for you is to sit back and enjoy your squeaky clean environment. And just to remind you, a squeaky clean office will also add to the overall look and feel of the space, which is especially important, not just to your employees but to your (potential) clients. So, another plus in the finance domain.
Now that we’ve seen what the advantages of the professional cleaning are, let’s see what the disadvantages of not having one are. In other words, what if the cleaning is entirely up to you?
Taking care of the cleaning in-house is an option, we won’t deny. At first, it may seem like a good idea. No dealing with the cleaning companies, no additional costs, no hassle. But is it really like that? Of course, this way of cleaning can have some decent results, but can you really do it like a pro? Keep in mind, by hiring experienced professionals you will gain access to various advantages and you will be able to sidestep any cleaning issue that may occur when cleaning by yourself.
So, what are some of the issues that may arise when you don’t hire cleaning professionals?
Let’s start by saying this type of cleaning will take time. And it will steer you away from some other everyday duties you might have. Focusing on daily cleaning duties means you will have less time to concentrate on more important things. Just think, you or whoever you delegate to be in charge of the cleaning will divert resources which could be deployed somewhere else.
Timing this type of cleaning is closely related to another possible problem – lack of consistency. When you hire a professional cleaning service, they will come up with a cleaning schedule and will stick to it, so you wouldn’t have to worry about it. But, when you’re doing it by yourself, timing may be an issue. In order for your office to be perfectly clean, you need a schedule and things to be done at the right time. It’s not enough to clean once every couple of months, there are timelines which need to be followed, and experienced technicians will know that. In case of doing it by yourself, you’ll find yourself in situations where you just won’t have the time and resources to deal with the cleaning, and your office will show that in its appearance.
Also, another problem arising from doing the cleaning yourself is, unfortunately, substandard results. Let’s be honest here – if you want professional-quality results you actually need professionals. It’s one thing to quickly polish and dust-off, it’s something else doing the job right by experienced and knowledgeable technicians.
By now, we’ve seen some of the most common issues with DIY cleaning. Are there any else? Yup, we can think of several other ones, so let’s continue.
There’s also the human factor. If you decide to take care of the cleaning yourself, you’ll most certainly delegate some of your staff for the janitorial duties. Bear in mind, this can take a toll on the morale and motivation of your employees. They need time and space to focus on their primary office duties and cleaning will just take that away from them. All this can eventually lead to decrease in productivity, which is a much greater problem than cleaning.
And finally, one of the biggest problems that come from not having professional cleaning company is all that wasted time and money, which we briefly mentioned earlier in this post. Even if you do your best and try your hardest, you’ll never get it done as quickly as professionals would. Wouldn’t you want for your cleaning time to be cut in half? Let’s face it, less downtime means less hassle and less disruption, and less time wasted. Lastly, the money. It’s been proven time after time that even when factoring all the costs, cleaning by yourself will cost you more long-term than hiring professional cleaners. Just think about it, you’ll need to buy all the tools, equipment, to stock and restock, pay the labor bill, it’s just one thing after another. With a professional cleaning service, you pay the set rate for services provided. And since everything is done much quicker, you will save more than you think you can.
After taking everything into account, it’s time to answer our question of the day. So, professional office cleaning – is it worth it? We’d say it most certainly is. Invest some of your time into finding the right professional cleaning service for you and enjoy all the advantages you will have. Go for it!