As account manager at Geyen Group South, I occasionally hear that we have missed cleaning an office’s carpet.  Assuming that we had access, we have to accept the occupant’s word.

I created a training game for the technicians.  They went in to “Sally’s” office and saw the same scenario as you see in the picture.  I gave them a hint that there were 3 items they needed to find.  Can you see them from this photo?

TheresaTrainingThere are no apparent spots/spills, so what made Sally feel as if it had not been cleaned? There are 2 3-hole punch papers on the carpet on the left.  There is a yellow paper clip on the right at the edge of the carpet.  This was deliberately chosen to blend into the carpet pattern.  And finally, the carpet under the chair was not vacuumed.  This isn’t apparent at first glance, but had it been vacuumed, there would have been no built in debris.

The good news is that all techs felt that the carpet hadn’t been vacuumed and spotted the 3-hole punch paper.  A few saw the paper clip.  That was sneaky on my part, but we sometimes have to “Find Waldo” with heavily patterned carpet.

We ask that our clients don’t deliberately set up our techs to fail, by working together we can make the client happy and our technicians proud of their work.

There are specific cleaning systems and best practices that produce the best results in every commercial building. We engage in these best practices when evaluating an office layout and discussing the carpet, upholstery and fabric panel cleaning needs of the company.

Theresa Cardoso

Article Name
There are specific cleaning systems and best practices that produce the best results in every commercial building. We engage in these best practices when evaluating an office layout and discussing the carpet, upholstery and fabric panel cleaning needs of the company.