We’re guessing you already knew this was coming, as we implied it in our last post – it is time for our third and final post in our myth-busting series, it is time for Carpet care misconceptions Part three. In this last one we will summarize everything we’ve been talking about so far, but first we’ll deal with some final (or are they final?) misconceptions regarding office carpet care. And yes, there are still some misconceptions to tackle and some myths to bust, believe it or not. And there will still possibly be some that were left out (not on purpose), but we’re hoping we’ve covered most of them (at least, the most talked about ones).
Last time we discussed some of the myths surrounding the drying process, or the time it takes for carpets to dry, to be more precise. We saw it was a common misconception that it should take several days for carpets to dry whereas when done by professionals drying time (depending on various conditions) should take approximately six to eight hours. So, the solution? Hire professional and experienced carpet cleaning company and you won’t waste any money or time and you will have your carpets clean and dry in no time.
Another fact closely related to moisture and drying was the misconception that carpet cleaning will promote mold and mildew growth which can cause allergy problems. Yet another myth busted. How come? Well, if you have professional carpet cleaners and if your office has proper ventilation and airflow mold and mildew will not be a problem for you.
As you might have noticed from our last two posts in this series, as well as in this small recap, most of these carpet cleaning myths have the same solution – professional and reputable carpet cleaning service.
But hey, are there any misconceptions/myths surrounding the efficacy and the need to use professionals to clean your carpets? Of course, there are! So, let’s see which are they and how to deal with them.
The first one to start with is the most common one – why hire professionals when you can do it just as fine yourself? Hey, it’s just cleaning, how hard can it be? And sure, when professional cleaners come to your office, they do make it seem so easy but don’t let that fool you. Even if you think you will save money short term, you may very likely end up losing more money in the long run. We do realize hiring professionals may take a toll on your company’s budget at first, but over the longer term, you will actually save money. If you hire a professional carpet cleaning service, you will avoid the risks of ruining your carpets by not taking proper care of them. With lack of knowledge and experience, you may end up ruining them completely which will result in having to completely redecorate your office and invest in brand new carpets. And who would want that? So, hiring professional cleaners is always the best and most reasonable solution, both short term and long term.
Still, with that myth busted, is there any other on the subject of hiring / not hiring professional carpet cleaning service? Yup, there is.
We’ve mentioned time and time again that the use of proper equipment is crucial to avoid any damage to your beautiful office carpets. If it is that simple, why not just buy that equipment and clean for yourself and save money and time? And here is another huge misconception, the idea that all you need is proper equipment and you’re a carpet cleaner. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Carpet cleaning involves detailed knowledge about carpets, their types, different kind of fibers, various problems that may arise and a lot more. Also, you need the knowledge of the proper chemicals and how to use them, because some carpets and upholstery require specific cleaning methods.
Without proper knowledge (which includes chemistry, too) you risk ruining your carpets completely, even though you had the right equipment to start with. You may end up fixing in stains or wrecking delicate fibers, leaving you with much more money and time to invest in brand new carpets or paying the professionals to try and undo the damage. So, there you go, it’s not just about the equipment, it’s about the knowledge that goes with it.
And, finally, the last myth in our series regarding office carpet cleaning – always shop for the cheapest price. So, misconception or not? Ok, by now we’ve realized it’s a good idea to hire professional cleaners. But, how much should you pay for the cleaning service? Well, you know the old saying ‘you get what you pay for’. And, as in many other situations in life, it sure does imply here, too. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should always choose the most expensive one. It just means that you should take your time in researching and finding what works best for you and your business. The one thing to keep in mind is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
So, take your time, check for some recommendations, and ask questions, why not? See what type of equipment they have, which methods they use, what is the estimated time to do the job, how much they charge, how long they have been in business, etc. We at Geyen Group South are always ready to answer any questions you might have so we can find the right fit for you and your company, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
And with this final myth busted, we’re concluding our three-part saga on carpet cleaning misconceptions. We hope the myth-bust journey was interesting and enjoyable, and if we ever hear of a new one, be sure we will be there to check it and see if it is true or not. We want to keep our facts straight, and to make sure you’re well aware of all the things that may go wrong in the cleaning process so we can avoid any of them and so you can have your beautiful office carpets for as long as you can.