We will start today’s post by stating a probably obvious fact – professional office cleaning is far more different than cleaning a home. And, it comes with a lot more challenges. Actually, there are quite a lot of unique challenges that accompany professional cleaning. Talking about those challenges and addressing them before they even appear is the right way to go and it is the perfect way to ensure that your working space is not only clean but also safe for both your clients and your employees. So, let’s dig deeper into this really interesting topic today.
First of all, before tackling any possible challenges and issues, let’s start by stating some of the benefits of hiring professional office cleaners. This is a topic we have dealt with in various posts on this blog, and especially in our last one, where we discussed the pros and cons of outsourcing professional cleaners. We’ve seen that, even though at first it may seem that in-house cleaning staff is an easier way to go, it actually comes with several potential problems, and that you will benefit by choosing to outsource professional and experienced cleaners. By doing so, you will have trained technicians who are well aware of the latest trends in the cleaning industry and who will know which cleaning method and which equipment to choose in order to clean your office space in the best way possible, leaving it clean and, above all, safe for everybody spending time there. You won’t have to worry about some issues you could’ve had with in-house cleaning crew because you will have everything figured out with the cleaning company of your choice. So, less hassle for better results is what we are striving to achieve here.
Still, what are some of the office cleaning challenges you might encounter?
One of the first challenges business owners note when it comes to professional cleaning is finding the right time to clean the office. You may feel as if professional cleaners might interrupt daily activities around the office and cause a decrease in productivity. This is an easy issue to fix because, usually, cleaning will be done outside of normal business hours. So, if your office maintains regular 9-5 hours there will be no need to worry about this. But, if we talk about a call center with 24-hour support, we know there is a big possibility somebody will always be at the office. Even then, there are ways to make it easier for your employees. In that case, the best option would be to schedule the cleaning for the time when there are fewer employees at the office. This will make it easier not just on your employees but also on the cleaners because the cleaners will get their work done without causing any major disruptions. So, to sum it up, there is always a way to come up with the cleaning schedule that will work best for you and your business, no worries there.
Another thing that may seem as a cleaning challenge is how to avoid missed areas when it comes to cleaning your office space. Some office buildings are rather large and have a lot of different areas that need to be addressed. For example, an in-house cleaning crew may empty the trash each day, but they probably won’t wipe down the chairs and desks to remove dust on a daily basis. This is another situation when outsourcing professional cleaners comes in handy. Before any cleaning is done, professional and experienced cleaners will first come and inspect the area and they will come up with a complete cleaning schedule for the entire office. They will make sure each and every surface is noted and will suggest the right cleaning timing. As we’ve mentioned, the trash should be emptied each day but, on the other hand, office chairs, bookstands, or printer stands may only need to be cleaned once a month. Same goes for carpets and other office elements, each of them has its cleaning schedule that should be followed, and professional and experienced cleaners will help you outline all the cleaning tasks needed to be done in your office area.
And finally, another issue that may seem challenging to business owners is avoiding cross-contamination. An example of this would be using a mop, which was used to clean the bathroom to then clean the hallway or the main office area. This might eventually result in the spread of germs, which can affect health condition in the office and increase the possibility of employees getting sick and missing work. Well, this is another challenge with an easy solution – professional office cleaners. Professional and well-trained cleaning technicians will know which techniques and equipment to use in order to completely avoid any health concerns around the office and will make sure to have your office clean and safe for both your employees and your clients.
So, as we’ve seen in this post, there are some challenges or concerns that may come up when thinking about office cleaning. Still, there seems to be one quick and easy solution for each and every one of them, and that is hiring a professional cleaning company. By choosing to do so, you will avoid any potential cleaning challenges because you will have professionals doing the task; they will make sure to talk to you first, to inspect the building, to suggest the right cleaning plan that won’t disturb your employees, to perform all cleaning services in the most professional and efficient way possible leaving you with the best result at all times. And the result is a perfectly clean and healthy office space for both your employees and your clients and/or customers. Finally, to answer today’s question – overcoming office cleaning challenges – are we up for it? We’d say we most certainly are! With the help from professional, experienced and well-trained cleaners, there is no cleaning challenge we won’t overcome in the smoothest way possible. Clean away!