Vanilla reminds us of ordinary, simple and like the building down the block.
You do not want your building appearance to be considered vanilla. It must stand out as a showcase for office staff, clients and others who visit on a regular basis. Even the surrounding community wants and expects professional office buildings housing corporate headquarters to be recognizable landmarks.
Lets talk about how to keep it from being viewed as ordinary. For this post that would also be called “vanilla”.
When was the last time you took a long and deep look at the condition of the carpet, upholstery and work cubicles? Can you name the day and time?
Or even better, have you asked the loyal people who work in this professional space their thoughts on the appearance of the carpet and what the scheduled maintenance results look like, good or bad?
Office staff will tell you and most importantly give you a snapshot of the true perception and condition of the carpet, upholstery and work cubicles. ABSOLUTELY.
You may be too close and personal to objectively manage the quality control necessary for your building to stand out and be the showcase it was created to be.
When you act on surveyed insights from the invested people working there every day, morning , noon and evening, the results will be appreciated and pleasing to everyone.
You want your building to out class every other building in the area:
Vanilla with
Lots of Chocolate Sauce
Over the Top Whipped Cream
3 kinds of Nuts
We can help. We believe in doing things differently. Always questioning “business as usual”. The way we do things differently is by simplifying our service, making it facility and building manager friendly.
Commercial Upholstery Cleaning
Commercial Work Cubicle Cleaning