Is there such a thing as too much advanced technology, training and certification?

We all have a relationship with technology. The question is this: How healthy is that relationship going to be? It’s an important question, because it affects how healthy and how wise we ourselves will be. – Arianna Huffington


We might be looking for a good personal trainer, can they motivate us to reach our work-out goals? Or we might be looking for a mechanic, will they tell us what is wrong with the squeaky brakes? Or maybe our computer is giving us a hassle—now we are looking for a “really good” computer guru. In all these cases, what makes a good reference is the equipment, training and certifications the trainer or technician has. It causes us to trust them to do the job right the first time.

This same analogy fits in business. Technology + Training + Certification = Trust and Efficiency.

Many industries offer training and certification as a way to stand out from the crowd and keep pace with changes in an industry. LEED is just one certification that is highly recognized in building services. The LEED label provides a common language to define best practices in green buildings.

Here are three ways a Certified Company will give you peace of mind:

  • Use of certified equipment
  • Time and motion guidelines followed for best performance
  • Implement best practices in systems
How Training & Certification Raises the Bar in Experience
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How Training & Certification Raises the Bar in Experience
We all have a relationship with technology. The question is this: How healthy is that relationship going to be?