Healthcare environment affects the safety and wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors. Design of healthcare facilities has to meet many regulations and technical requirements. Hospitals require special consideration with regard to indoor environmental quality due to significant effect it has on physical and psychological health of patients and employees.

Maintaining a high standard of hygiene is vital in any healthcare setting and the right flooring is a must. Considerations involved in specifying flooring materials for healthcare facilities include health and safety factors (flame resistance, electrostatic propensity, biogenic factors and slip resistance), environmental factors (acoustics, comfort and wheeled vehicle mobility), and wear-life factors (durability, appearance retention and maintenance). Due to its many advantages, commercial carpet is becoming increasingly popular in healthcare facilities. It has a positive impact on many aspects of hospital setting, including indoor air quality, acoustic quality, personal comfort, etc.

Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) has a significant effect on the health of the patients within the healthcare facility and the staff caring for those patients. Factors which determine the IAQ are temperature, humidity, presence of chemicals and other contaminants, etc. Careful selection of commercial carpets and flooring with the proper professional maintenance program can significantly improve the indoor air quality. Microbial contaminants are constantly moving around in the air and soft surfaces like carpets actually act as giant filters, trapping allergens, dust, and other contaminants, until they can be properly removed.

Acoustic quality

Bad acoustic is a common problem in many healthcare facilities. Hospital noise can interfere with sleep, increase stress levels and make the patient’s recovery more difficult. Metal items falling onto the floor, loud voices and sound of equipment can cause annoyance for visitors and staff as well. Commercial carpets greatly impact the acoustic environment. Carpet can act as an acoustical aid – absorbing the sound and reducing transmission of sound to the immediate area and floors below.

Lighting in healthcare facilities

Most healthcare settings are lit by a combination of daylight entering through windows and skylights and electric-light sources. Lighting in healthcare facilities can have a significant impact on patient outcomes, healing and overall health. However, excessive brightness in the visual field cause eye fatigue, annoyance and discomfort. Therefore, it is very important to control glare and lighting levels in healthcare facilities. Carpets absorb light and provide a smooth, matte finish on the flooring surface which significantly reduces glare, easing eye stress and patient anxieties. 

Personal comfort of patients

A carpeted floor increases overall comfort levels for all building’s occupants. The cushioned surface provides thermal comfort and relief from foot and leg fatigue. Furthermore, carpets with warm colors and easy to eyes patterns contribute to a calm and home like atmosphere. Some studies even show that visitors spent significantly more time in patient rooms with carpeting than in non-carpeted rooms.

Effective carpet maintenance program

Keeping carpets clean and healthy is a priority in healthcare facilities. An effective carpet maintenance program can have a broad impact on the health, safety, comfort, and confidence level of patients, visitors, and employees. Regular cleaning has a dual significance. On one hand it extends the life and beauty of the carpets and on the other it considerably improves the indoor environmental quality of healthcare facilities.

Commercial carpets and flooring in healthcare facilities
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Commercial carpets and flooring in healthcare facilities
Due to its many advantages, commercial carpet is becoming increasingly popular in healthcare facilities. It has a positive impact on many aspects of hospital setting, including indoor air quality, acoustic quality, personal comfort, etc.
Geyen Group South
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