Choosing the right carpet for your office space is not an easy thing to do. Carpet is one of the most visible and impactful flooring options and it has so many components you have to take into consideration before making a purchase decision (fiber type, pattern, style, quality, color, etc.).

Color is usually the hardest choice. With so many varieties to choose from, it may seem impossible to pick the right color scheme based only on a tiny swatch. Luckily, there are certain tips and factors that’ll help you ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible:

The impact of color

Carpet colors can change the feelings of people in your office. Colors can affect mood, behavior and even the productivity of your employees. Every color has its meaning and you shouldn’t forget that when choosing a commercial carpet:

  • Red – Red is very stimulating color. It is believed that red motivates people to take action and be more productive. However, being surrounded by too much of the color red can cause employees to feel irritated and aggressive. So, it is perhaps better to use it with discretion.
  • Yellow – This isn’t the best color choice for your office carpet. Too much yellow can make people disoriented and agitated. Also, some shade of yellow can look cheap.
  • Blue – Blue is a very good color for an office space. It is usually associated with the reliability, loyalty and trustworthiness and it has a calming effect.
  • Pink – This is one more color you should probably avoid when choosing a carpet for your office space. Even though, it is considered to be calming and non-threatening color, pink also reduces drive and saps energy. Because of this, most office decorators consider pink to be the worst carpet color for an office.
  • Brown – Brown is usually regarded as a neutral color. It signifies strength, endurance and stability. Men are more likely to opt for the brown as opposed to women who usually consider brown to be boring.

Foot Traffic

Level of foot traffic that will occur in a particular space is a very important factor to consider before buying a commercial carpet. For high-traffic areas, light-colored carpets may not be the ideal choice because they will quickly reveal dirt. In such cases, darker colors of carpeting are much more effective.

Choosing the Right Carpet Color for Your Office

Style of the office space

You should choose a color that is going to match the style of your office space. Take into account the furniture, wall coverings and other accessories of your office, when selecting the color and texture for your carpet. Also, consider the size of the room. If you want it to appear bigger, light-colored carpet like tan, off-white or grey should do the trick. Bolder colors like red or orange provide more impact to a room. However, if you are still unsure about what color is best for your carpet, you can always choose beige.

There are so many different carpets in terms of color, styles and patterns. Surely you will be able to eventually find a carpet that will fit perfectly with you and your office space. But, if you do not maintain your new carpet regularly it will become worn out and shabby very quickly. Developing a commercial carpet maintenance program is of utmost importance if you want to prolong your carpet’s life and save on future capital replacement cost.

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Choosing the Right Carpet Color for Your Office
Choosing the right carpet for your office space is not an easy thing to do. Luckily, there are certain tips and factors that'll help you ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible
Geyen Group South
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