It’s a common fact we get to spend a lot of our time during the week in the office, an average of 40 hours per week to be more precise, sometimes even more. So, given the fact we are there for all those long hours, it can be nice when your office can feel just like you’re at home, all cozy and nice. Of course, it can never feel exactly like at home, but there are still some things we can do to be more at ease. Ok, so, how can we make our office space feel just like home? Let’s start with the big things and proceed to smaller ones, like certain details that can surround you.
Number one – the overall look of the office. If we want to begin today’s story from top to bottom, then the overall look of the office is step one in trying to feel like at home when at work. The look and feel of the working areas are crucial when it comes to feeling comfortable and productive at work. As we’ve said, people tend to spend a lot of their time at work and a clean and well-maintained office with a welcoming feel can contribute a lot to the productiveness and effectiveness of the entire business. What are some of the things that can be of great help? Let’s start by saying a nice office doesn’t immediately mean brand new furniture. It can, of course. But, what is more important is that everything is being kept bright and clean. Clean windows will bring in more sunlight, clean air conditioning and heating system will mean the air will be of the highest possible quality, clean furniture and cubicles will also affect the health conditions in a positive way. As you can see, just some little tweaks here and there will ensure that your business will have a more satisfying and healthier working atmosphere as well as more satisfied employees.
Number two – office carpets. The talk of a squeaky clean office space continues with office carpets. Regular cleaning of your office carpets by reputable and well-experienced professionals will not only prolong the life cycle of carpets but will also make them look as beautiful as new. And nice looking carpeting can contribute a lot to the overall look of the office. No matter what size, color or fabric they are made from, clean and fresh carpets are essential to making the office look welcoming as if you were at home. As strange as it may sound, carpets can make you feel just like you were at your own house. And feeling at home can make you feel more relaxed, and, at the same time, more productive because this homely feeling can effectively reduce stress levels. So, in order for your carpets to have that kind of a superpower, they just need a little bit of help from you. Plan a cleaning schedule with the professional cleaning company of your choice and make sure they are cleaned by them several times a year, accompanied by your regular daily office cleaning.
Number three – office chairs. You might’ve guessed the cleaning part matters when it comes to office chairs as well. They are also in need of regular and professional cleaning paired with daily cleaning. Make sure to include them in your cleaning routine when discussing cleaning schedule and details. Apart from the look and feel of clean office furniture, there is more to it. The most obvious thing is that office chairs are one of the most used elements of the office, as the majority of us spend our working days sitting by the desk. That is why it is important to have comfortable office chairs that won’t hurt your neck and back. There are so many types of office chairs to choose from, but your priority should be how comfortable and ergonomic they are.
Number four – office cubicles. If the office you’re working at has office cubicles, then you know they can serve as a way to make you feel more like at home. How? Well, their surface is perfect to surround yourself with some small things to make you feel more at ease. Whether with the help of photos of your family and friends, some memorabilia from trips you’ve taken or anything else that might feel personal to you, your office cubicle can become a reminder of your loved ones and your home. The entire cleaning story applies here, too, as we know office cubicles can get dirty as well. They are sometimes forgotten in the cleaning routine, but the right professional cleaning service will make sure to include them in the cleaning process, so you don’t have to worry about that.
And finally, the details. We’ve touched on some details that can make you feel like at home when we talked about office cubicles. They can provide that perfect homey feel at a glance.
You should always dedicate a part of your time to decorate your working area, as it will turn out to be really beneficial for you in the long run. It doesn’t have to be too much and it shouldn’t make your desk and/or cubicle look crowded, it should just give it the right amount of a personal touch. We’ve already mentioned photographs as a perfect addition to your working space. What could you add, apart from the photos? Your own personal coffee mug is always a good pick. Or maybe a pen that was once a gift from a loved one? Perhaps a small clock? Just think of any detail that will matter to you and find the right spot for it, the choice is entirely up to you.
And there you go, some advice on how to make your working area feel more like at home. We do realize you’re spending a lot of time in the office, so why not try and make it as enjoyable and cozy as it can be? Be your own personal decorator, the choices are limitless!